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Dr. Brian Ferris

Your Amazing Body

Did you know that on any given day there are 30-40 billion white blood cells on duty in your blood stream to fight infections? They live for only a few days.  Your body is constantly producing new ones to replace the old ones.  How does the body know how many to make?  Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day.  Any machine forced to do that much work would fail or need repairs.  But your heart keeps beating on.  How is that possible?  Let’s use a simple example.  When you swallow food your epiglottis (the small trap door in your throat) closes to prevent food from going into your lungs.  You didn’t have to “think” to make it close.  It happens automatically.  How?

These are just a few out of millions of examples of the amazing ability of the body to organize, protect and heal itself.  But how does it do it?  Here’s the simple truth:  Everyone is born with an intelligence inside that runs your body for you.  The body is incredibly organized.  Whenever there is organization present, we know there is intelligence behind it.  Nothing organizes itself.  Your body is no different.  Perhaps you have heard me use the term “innate intelligence” in the office?  That is what I’m referring to…. this inborn intelligence that is totally capable of keeping our bodies healthy for a long time – if nothing interferes with its ability to do its job.  Vertebral subluxations are a big interference to innate intelligence.  The body becomes less organized. Eventually disease is the result.

Have you been checked for vertebral subluxations recently?   Your innate intelligence will thank you. Call if I can help 516-520-1605.  -  Dr. Brian

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